“Why Do I Feel So Good After A Massage?

“Why Do I Feel So Good After A Massage?”

This came to me from a client after her weekly massage and I really identified with it and hope you do as well!

“I walk into the session thinking, ‘I’m really too busy to take this time. I’ve
got to make those phone calls, schedule the next meeting, write that article, do
the laundry, clean my house, and run a few errands. Oh, but my shoulders do
hurt, my back aches, and I didn’t get enough sleep last night!’ An hour later,
walking in slow motion, I come out of the massage therapist’s office. I notice
the smell of fresh air and the warmth of sunshine on my face. ‘Maybe I’ll just
go for a little walk. I’ll get back to work soon enough,’ I say.

“Massage provides me an opportunity to take a break
from the stresses of life and relax in the caring hands of a competent
therapist. With just the right amount of pressure and skillful manipulation,
patterns of tension are released in overworked muscles, fascia is loosened in
areas of strain, and lymph is encouraged in its circulation. These effects on
the tissues give rise to sensations of pleasure, creating a new experience in my
body. I can only begin to imagine the complex of effects on the neurochemical
system of the body, as touch receptors carry messages to the brain for
interpretation, influencing brain wave patterns and a myriad of hormonal

“While the physiology may be complex, the
value of the human interaction is simple. Someone just treated me with respect
and care, listened to me without judging me, and touched me with the authority
born of her training and experience. It’s no wonder we feel so good after a

Wishing you Peace, Harmony and Balance.


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