MASSAGE FOR DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY Massage is touted as one of the first treatments available for depression. However, with the advances in science and technology in the 1940s and beyond, the treatment of massage for depression soon became replaced by drugs … Continue reading
Yearly Archives: 2013
MASSAGE AND HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a serious condition affecting one in four American adults. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats, … Continue reading
THERE’S AN OIL FOR THAT An essential oil, that is Essential oils have been used throughout recorded history for a wide variety of wellness applications. The Egyptians were some of the first people to use aromatic essential oils extensively in medical … Continue reading
MASSAGE AFTER CARE So you just got a massage. You’re leaving the treatment room. You’ve been told all sorts of things to do after you leave to keep yourself in tip top condition after your massage, but most of it … Continue reading
WATER, EH, WHO NEEDS IT? YOU DO!!! When a person comes to my office for a massage and complains how tight and sore their muscles are, one of the first questions I ask is “do you drink water?” Usually the … Continue reading
Here is Part II of the Muscle Knots or Muscle “Poop”, Part II Blog. We will discuss how to reduce if not eliminate these from your life. Muscle Knots are such a common problem. We all have them from time … Continue reading
This will be a two part blog. The first blog will address what and how muscle knots or, as I like to call them “muscle poop” occur. The second part will address how you can reduce if not eliminate them … Continue reading
Happy New Year. And with the arrival of a new year and the changes it will bring, we have added a new service to our menu that is totally unique. It combines, warmth, aromatherapy, herbal therapy, Swedish, and some gentle … Continue reading